I sing, act, laugh, bite and bake the occasional pie. www.ThisIsLisaMichelle.com
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Real love = Unconditional
<3 Love, in its truest form, is unconditional. It's the act of giving, and not expecting or demanding anything in return. It's the offering of your time, your heart, your efforts, your skills, your talents... without the expectation of gain.
We need to use this kind of love on everything and everyone. Let's take care of our children and our neighbour's children. Let's take care of our needs and the needs of others. There IS enough love to go around. But we all starve when we fail to spread it around.
Every life... being... thing... is worthy of it. <3
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Awake in My Dreams
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On stage @ The El Mocambo in Toronto. April 2012 |
I'll be gone for 6-weeks: May 13th until June 24th. Aside from fears of being homesick and not finding organic tofu in this obscure little town, I am very excited to be doing this because I absolutely LOVE musical theatre! Performing live might be my favourite thing to do, period. There's nothing like pouring your soul into other souls who stand there waiting to receive it. When I'm on stage, I get the instant gratification of knowing how or if I affect you, what sounds make you close your eyes, what melodies make you sing along... what makes you fall in love. It's turning me on just thinking about it.
I also love the 'community' feeling that comes with working in theatre. Theatre rehearsal schedules are always intense, giving you hours upon hours of time spent with your fellow cast mates and crew members. By the time you get through weeks of 10-hour rehearsal days, matinees, school shows and nightly performances together, you'll ALWAYS walk away with new, artsy friends and connections.
All that said, I haven't left town yet and I've got lots to do before I go. When I booked this Godspell gig months ago, I'd always thought the week prior to my departure would be a smooth one. Thought I'd be cold-chillin, getting versed in all the music they sent us ahead of time to learn, be completely packed and ready to go.
But as fate would have it, on Monday I performed a short set at the opening reception for b current's Rock.Paper.Sistahz festival*. It was a sweet time in an intimate, colourful space, inhabited by a graciously attentive audience. My faithful friends/players came with me: Dave on guitar, Chris on percussion. No stage or plug-ins, just a few original songs shared with a room full of souls. It felt so good!
Tomorrow morning. rather this Wednesday morning (geeze, where did the time go!) I have a third callback audition for another musical. And it's kind of a big deal ;-). I'm not at liberty to divulge any details about this one just yet, but believe me, you WILL know if I get it! Anyways, it's been stressing me out because there's a lot to learn and well... there never really is enough time for these things, is there? Please, please, please wish me luck, send some prayers, light and good vibes. I want this one. Badly.
Right after this big-deal-of-an-audition, I have a rehearsal with my scene partners for an acting class I have on Thursday, Friday I'm in the studio with Silver Roland working on my album, Saturday night I have one last acoustic gig at The Old Nick** and THEN... I finally leave for Petrolia on Sunday morning.
Somewhere in between in all this, I really have to start packing, kiss my mother and figure out who's going to feed my husband while I'm away. And a bunch of other little things, of course. While I was stressing out about this long list of to do's I have to conquer, I decided to stop and give thanks. I'm thankful to be busy with work that I want to do. Every project I'm currently undertaking is something I have prayed for in some way or another. I am thankful to have purpose! And I am thankful that while "living the dream" isn't as easy as it seems, or even as easy as I, myself, expected it to be... it truly is living.
So getting back to business, I'm going to go over this audition piece one more time and then tuck myself into bed. Maybe I'll fall asleep, or maybe I'll get back up when I realize I absolutely must do just one more thing of that To Do list before I can get a good night's rest. Either way, I'll be dreaming. I never, ever stop.
* The rock.paper.sistahz festival is still going on until Friday May 11th! Do yourself a favour and check out some of the events before it's gone:
** If you don't think you'll make it to Petrolia to see Godspell, come take in my acoustic set at The Old Nick this Saturday night! That's Saturday May 12th @ 9pm, 123 Danforth Ave. No cover!
*** You're still reading? You must really love me! Then I guess it wouldn't be too much for me to ask you to help me make my next album "Do You Believe", coming out this August? Pre-order your copy or donate even more to get some cool stuff!
Friday, April 6, 2012
In the Studio w/ a Champion
Studio time!
Last week I started writing the words and melody for a song called “Champion” over an instrumental Silver Roland (executive producer for this "Do You Believe" album) had sent me. We collaborated and co-wrote over my initial rough draft and boom goes the dynamite… I was in the studio this week laying it all down.
“Champion” is about wanting it all! Wanting to be number one, to be on top… to being the CHAMPION over your own life! Fortune favours the bold, not the modest or the uncertain. I spend enough time second-guessing and doubting myself as an artist that I wanted to go in the complete other direction with this song.
So with that, I pretended to be someone else as we came up with some of these words. Someone without fear or doubts about the future. Someone who not only expects challenges and obstacles along the way, they INVITE them, knowing they can conquer them all. This someone doesn’t just want to better… they want to be the BEST!
One can dream, right? ;-)
Last week I started writing the words and melody for a song called “Champion” over an instrumental Silver Roland (executive producer for this "Do You Believe" album) had sent me. We collaborated and co-wrote over my initial rough draft and boom goes the dynamite… I was in the studio this week laying it all down.
“Champion” is about wanting it all! Wanting to be number one, to be on top… to being the CHAMPION over your own life! Fortune favours the bold, not the modest or the uncertain. I spend enough time second-guessing and doubting myself as an artist that I wanted to go in the complete other direction with this song.
So with that, I pretended to be someone else as we came up with some of these words. Someone without fear or doubts about the future. Someone who not only expects challenges and obstacles along the way, they INVITE them, knowing they can conquer them all. This someone doesn’t just want to better… they want to be the BEST!
One can dream, right? ;-)
I only want the best
Cuz in my life I want it all
I don't take nothing less
That's the past tense
I'm moving forward
So not impressed
With the way they tell me I should be
I know what I need
I just gotta be the champion
The number one
Til I'm on top
I'm never ever gon' stop
I just gotta be the champion
The only one
Sittin on top
'cuz I just wanna be
I only wanna be
I just gotta be the
Girl... To be the one who rules my world... Won't be long before I see
See... My dreams become reality oh
I don't need to plead or wish
I won't stop, I persist
To do what I came to do
Ain't nothin' to it
Just watch me get down to it
I'm bout to turn these dreams
To possibilities
Cuz in my life I want it all
I don't take nothing less
That's the past tense
I'm moving forward
So not impressed
With the way they tell me I should be
I know what I need
I just gotta be the champion
The number one
Til I'm on top
I'm never ever gon' stop
I just gotta be the champion
The only one
Sittin on top
'cuz I just wanna be
I only wanna be
I just gotta be the
Girl... To be the one who rules my world... Won't be long before I see
See... My dreams become reality oh
I don't need to plead or wish
I won't stop, I persist
To do what I came to do
Ain't nothin' to it
Just watch me get down to it
I'm bout to turn these dreams
To possibilities
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Passion... Purpose... & Giving Birth!
So, if you know me at all... like, even a tiny little bit, you'll know that I've been performing in a play called Obeah Opera. It's been an amazing (and surprisingly short) ride with this large group of women, from rehearsals to the stage. It came together so quickly and with such force, I think we genuinely surprised ourselves and bring that shockingly good feeling to our audiences each and every night. Thanks for that reminder, Saphire!
As I try to ignore the fact that this run ends on Sunday, my mind, body and soul are preparing to make way for new beginnings. Don't get it twisted, this is not the last you will hear of Obeah Opera... given the many great reviews we've gotten, it will most definitely be remounted over and over again! Hopefully with me in it again, too :-). But I feel like I'm about to give birth to even more great things this year and in the years to come. Starting today.
I've got my mind on my birthday concert party on April 19th (details to come!), my principle role in Godspell (another musical playing in June) and the completion of my next album this coming August (which you can support by clicking here)! And who knows what other cool ish will come out of the blue, lol. But I'm READY for both the rewards and the hard work it's going to take to make it all happen. I'm ready to be released!
I'll leave you with this famous quote made by Marianne Williamson at Nelson Mandela's Inaugural Speech, 1994. I've also posted it on my Facebook profile. I'd get it TATTOO'd on my body as a conversation peace if it wasn't so long! Anyways, PLEASE READ IT:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." ~
As I try to ignore the fact that this run ends on Sunday, my mind, body and soul are preparing to make way for new beginnings. Don't get it twisted, this is not the last you will hear of Obeah Opera... given the many great reviews we've gotten, it will most definitely be remounted over and over again! Hopefully with me in it again, too :-). But I feel like I'm about to give birth to even more great things this year and in the years to come. Starting today.
I've got my mind on my birthday concert party on April 19th (details to come!), my principle role in Godspell (another musical playing in June) and the completion of my next album this coming August (which you can support by clicking here)! And who knows what other cool ish will come out of the blue, lol. But I'm READY for both the rewards and the hard work it's going to take to make it all happen. I'm ready to be released!
I'll leave you with this famous quote made by Marianne Williamson at Nelson Mandela's Inaugural Speech, 1994. I've also posted it on my Facebook profile. I'd get it TATTOO'd on my body as a conversation peace if it wasn't so long! Anyways, PLEASE READ IT:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." ~
... the first song I wrote with my eyes open.
Produced by Duff Musiq
... the first song I wrote with my eyes open.
Produced by Duff Musiq
Monday, February 13, 2012
Love for Whitney
In the middle of running my lines, notes and staging for Obeah Opera (the production I've been incessantly posting and talking about), my thoughts pulled me away from that place and onto the death of Whitney Houston.
Wow. It took a couple days, but her passing is actually just hitting me now. When a celebrity dies young, particularly female musicians, I selfishly begin to think of myself because I endeavour to be on a similar path. Of course, I'm referring to their upward paths, not their downard spirals. So many bright & successful talents suddenly lose focus and sanity for reasons us 'regular' folk never seem to understand. Why is that? What happens? How does it happen? As an artist who's getting deeper into her purpose and expending more energy into the performance industry, I often stop and wonder about these things. If I could talk to the ghosts of Whitney Houston or even Amy Winehouse... what would they tell me to look out for? What would they warn me to steer clear of? Do they have any regrets about their success, or even their demise? Why did they die so young?
I'm trying to stay balanced, but being an artist is like jumping off a cliff. Meaning, something a 'normal' person wouldn't do voluntarily. As an artist, you pretty much sign up for financial and emotional instability. But the hardship is endured in exchange for a life of PASSION and PURPOSE! Sharing my soul through a talent I've been blessed and entrusted with is incomparable to any other feeling I've had in this world. Trust me. The rewards are as great as the challenges are steep - this is why artists do what they do. And why they'll risk almost everything else to continue doing it.
I just pray that as I continue to do, I won't forget to be. I endeavour to BE healthy, present and whole in mind, body and spirit. The more we take care of ourselves first, the more we'll have to give.
Whitney... thank you for sharing your heart and your gift with us. You sacrificed much and we love you for it, even if we didn't always extend that love to you when you needed it most.
Rest In Peace,
Wow. It took a couple days, but her passing is actually just hitting me now. When a celebrity dies young, particularly female musicians, I selfishly begin to think of myself because I endeavour to be on a similar path. Of course, I'm referring to their upward paths, not their downard spirals. So many bright & successful talents suddenly lose focus and sanity for reasons us 'regular' folk never seem to understand. Why is that? What happens? How does it happen? As an artist who's getting deeper into her purpose and expending more energy into the performance industry, I often stop and wonder about these things. If I could talk to the ghosts of Whitney Houston or even Amy Winehouse... what would they tell me to look out for? What would they warn me to steer clear of? Do they have any regrets about their success, or even their demise? Why did they die so young?
I'm trying to stay balanced, but being an artist is like jumping off a cliff. Meaning, something a 'normal' person wouldn't do voluntarily. As an artist, you pretty much sign up for financial and emotional instability. But the hardship is endured in exchange for a life of PASSION and PURPOSE! Sharing my soul through a talent I've been blessed and entrusted with is incomparable to any other feeling I've had in this world. Trust me. The rewards are as great as the challenges are steep - this is why artists do what they do. And why they'll risk almost everything else to continue doing it.
I just pray that as I continue to do, I won't forget to be. I endeavour to BE healthy, present and whole in mind, body and spirit. The more we take care of ourselves first, the more we'll have to give.
Whitney... thank you for sharing your heart and your gift with us. You sacrificed much and we love you for it, even if we didn't always extend that love to you when you needed it most.
Rest In Peace,
The image that always comes to my mind when people say
"Whitney Houston". So beautiful... regal & serene:
"Whitney Houston". So beautiful... regal & serene:
One of many rich, authentic performances by this Goddess:
If you have never performed on stage before, watch her closely in this clip... imagine how it would feel to hold and deliver all that power to so many people. Incredible! She's sitting down and she's still sweating for God's sake! Just giving, giving, giving of her soul! I live for this!
Monday, February 6, 2012
PEACE at Home
I just made a "Tweet" about doing laundry and feeling blessed. Simultaneously. A seemingly insignificant triumph, but still a triumph after all.
I'm grateful for any moment of positivity these days. Not because these days have been especially hard, but especially challenging. There's a difference. I see "hard" as being something immovable. Frozen and without life. But through challenge, comes movement... comes growth... comes change. The letters are even embedded inside. Challenges bring forth change and I can feel myself going through a significant one right now. And I know this change will be a triumphant one.
I'm being pulled and stretched in rehearsals for Obeah Opera, the first professional theatrical production I'm having the pleasure of being involved in (when you have a moment, do click on the link, this opera is worth singing about). Like other musicals I've been in, there's vocals, dance steps & staging to learn but this production has called for much more. Because the story is based on true historical events and because that history is mine, makes for a heavy and steep learning curve that's difficult to bend around at times. But what amazes me, is that I do! With every curve, I'm sharpening my sword... preparing for battle... getting firm and ready to conquer the next challenge ahead.
With legwarmers and a pashmina as my armour, ginger tea in my flask and a 200-page score in my arms, I am a storyteller. And with some pain, I'm getting better at it every day, with every rehearsal. Shit, I'm getting pretty damn good :-). And it's even more amazing to watch it happening with everyone else in the cast as well.
I could say so much more, but I really am doing laundry. It's my one day off this week from play rehearsals and I'm appreciating the peace at home. I love a good challenge, but today I'm also gratefully embracing the familiar pauses in between. This... I know how to do :-).
I'm grateful for any moment of positivity these days. Not because these days have been especially hard, but especially challenging. There's a difference. I see "hard" as being something immovable. Frozen and without life. But through challenge, comes movement... comes growth... comes change. The letters are even embedded inside. Challenges bring forth change and I can feel myself going through a significant one right now. And I know this change will be a triumphant one.
I'm being pulled and stretched in rehearsals for Obeah Opera, the first professional theatrical production I'm having the pleasure of being involved in (when you have a moment, do click on the link, this opera is worth singing about). Like other musicals I've been in, there's vocals, dance steps & staging to learn but this production has called for much more. Because the story is based on true historical events and because that history is mine, makes for a heavy and steep learning curve that's difficult to bend around at times. But what amazes me, is that I do! With every curve, I'm sharpening my sword... preparing for battle... getting firm and ready to conquer the next challenge ahead.
With legwarmers and a pashmina as my armour, ginger tea in my flask and a 200-page score in my arms, I am a storyteller. And with some pain, I'm getting better at it every day, with every rehearsal. Shit, I'm getting pretty damn good :-). And it's even more amazing to watch it happening with everyone else in the cast as well.
I could say so much more, but I really am doing laundry. It's my one day off this week from play rehearsals and I'm appreciating the peace at home. I love a good challenge, but today I'm also gratefully embracing the familiar pauses in between. This... I know how to do :-).
Obeah Opera,
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Who's with me?
I got home from rehearsal a few heartbeats ago and I can't tell you how badly I want you to be apart of what we're creating. The energy, the vibe, the MUSIC was all there... and all of it was in preparation for Thursday night's performance at "RAW", a monthly showcase at The Piston, 937 Bloor St West (Toronto). That's tomorrow, so break out those smart phone calendars and squeeze me in, loves :-).
I'm especially excited to share the debut performances of THREE new singles at this event: Do You Believe, Give Me Something (set to be released next month!) & Cross My Mind (released Nov '11).
This month's edition of RAW features Jeremy Panda, Melissa Cameron & me with the band Thank The Academy feat. Mike McNeil on keys. The night kicks off at 9, I'm on after 10pm. Come, come, COME with us tomorrow! Let us take you places we've only just begun to discover ourselves.
This month's edition of RAW features Jeremy Panda, Melissa Cameron & me with the band Thank The Academy feat. Mike McNeil on keys. The night kicks off at 9, I'm on after 10pm. Come, come, COME with us tomorrow! Let us take you places we've only just begun to discover ourselves.
See you there xox,
~Lisa Michelle
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Happy New Year! (Yeah, I said it...)
I'm one of those people who believes it's perfectly acceptable to wish someone Happy New Year right until January 31st. So Happy New Year to you and yours, I pray that you are on the verge or in the midst of creating new and beautiful beginnings for yourself. Big and small.
As for me, I've already dived head-first into 2012, setting the stage for big things to happen in the coming months! I have three shows lined up this month, starting TONIGHT (Wednesday, January 11th) at The Smiling Buddha, 961 College St. It's for an event called Spotlight: A Night of Toronto Soul, hosted by singer/songwriter (and friend) Chattrisse. I'll be doing an acoustic set around 9pm with Dave Stone on Guitar & Chris A (aka Skillz3) on percussion. The vibe has been soooo good in rehearsals, I promise to bring it to the stage this evening. So come check us out!
Next up, I'll be hitting the stage for M-Factor at The Old Nick, 123 Danforth Ave on Monday, January 16th. No cover, just a night of more acoustic soul beginning at 7:30pm with Elana Harte and my set sometime around 9pm.
On Thursday January 26th, I'll be performing at an event called RAW at The Piston, 937 Bloor St West, put on by the amazingly talented singer & songwriter Melissa Cameron, who'll also be playing that night. I'll be blessed with my FULL BAND that night, and they go by the name of Thank The Academy, with special guest Mike McNeil on the keys. When I've got all these talented boys around me, I get loud! So if you've only ever seen me perform in an acoustic setting and want to hear me scream, this is the show to be at.
February, I'll be M.I.A. as a solo artist, as I'll be joining the cast of OBEAH OPERA, a musical by Nicole Brooks. I'm SUPER excited about this as it's my first professional theatre performance, the cast is amazing and the story is going to be out of this world. Details are in my previous blog post.
So get ready for me, as I get ready for you. I hope to see you tonight... or next week... or whenever we can make time for eachother.
Love, blessings and creativity to you!
~Lisa Michelle
As for me, I've already dived head-first into 2012, setting the stage for big things to happen in the coming months! I have three shows lined up this month, starting TONIGHT (Wednesday, January 11th) at The Smiling Buddha, 961 College St. It's for an event called Spotlight: A Night of Toronto Soul, hosted by singer/songwriter (and friend) Chattrisse. I'll be doing an acoustic set around 9pm with Dave Stone on Guitar & Chris A (aka Skillz3) on percussion. The vibe has been soooo good in rehearsals, I promise to bring it to the stage this evening. So come check us out!
Next up, I'll be hitting the stage for M-Factor at The Old Nick, 123 Danforth Ave on Monday, January 16th. No cover, just a night of more acoustic soul beginning at 7:30pm with Elana Harte and my set sometime around 9pm.
On Thursday January 26th, I'll be performing at an event called RAW at The Piston, 937 Bloor St West, put on by the amazingly talented singer & songwriter Melissa Cameron, who'll also be playing that night. I'll be blessed with my FULL BAND that night, and they go by the name of Thank The Academy, with special guest Mike McNeil on the keys. When I've got all these talented boys around me, I get loud! So if you've only ever seen me perform in an acoustic setting and want to hear me scream, this is the show to be at.
February, I'll be M.I.A. as a solo artist, as I'll be joining the cast of OBEAH OPERA, a musical by Nicole Brooks. I'm SUPER excited about this as it's my first professional theatre performance, the cast is amazing and the story is going to be out of this world. Details are in my previous blog post.
So get ready for me, as I get ready for you. I hope to see you tonight... or next week... or whenever we can make time for eachother.
Love, blessings and creativity to you!
~Lisa Michelle
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