Thursday, May 15, 2014

Black Coffee


I've missed you. All of you! My fam (especially my fam), my BFFs, my band, my favourite sushi restaurants...

My latest musical adventure comes to an end this Friday - Avenue Q, the Tony Award-winning Broadway musical I've been performing in at the Sudbury Theatre Centre (about 3-4 hours North of Toronto).   As mentioned in my last post about Avenue Q, I got really lucky and was cast alongside a fellow Godspell alum (and great friend) for this show. Winning!

I only had one month between the end of the Godspell tour and the beginning of Avenue Q, so I made the most of it.  I enlisted the love and talents of some members from the Godspell band, and together we recorded a live-off-the-floor performance of my favourite jazz standard: Black Coffee.  

"Live-off-the-floor" means all instruments in one room, on one mix (well, that's what it means to me).  No chance to correct vocal blips or musical missteps once we walk away from the mics.  So what we ended up with are just beautiful, organic performances by Daniel Baerg on drums, Mark Laidman on bass and John Yun on piano and arrangements.  I like these people. I like this song. So here it is!

with pleasure,

~Lisa Michelle